
Now Available!

Treasured CoverTreasured and Teachable: Homeschooling to College with Hope, Joy and Asperger’s

Your child learns differently and is struggling in public school…

He or she is frustrated, discouraged, and drowning in a sea of homework. Grades are getting worse, not better. Is there a more effective and enjoyable way to learn? You’ve considered homeschooling, but have no idea how to start.

In easy-to-read chapters, this book describes a family’s journey from special education to college. The author shares personal stories, educational resources and practical tips to help you navigate the wide world of homeschooling. Learn how your child can develop a passion for learning through a variety of educational experiences. Amazing things happen when you look beyond your child’s test scores, trust God, and take a step of faith.

In this book, you’ll learn how to:

  • Connect with others to get the help and encouragement you need
  • Choose the right curriculum, homeschool co-op, private learning center, or online classes
  • Find affordable ways to homeschool
  • Benefit from extracurricular activities
  • Prepare your teenager for college or career

You believe your child has great potential but is not in the optimal learning environment. There is hope! If you’re considering homeschooling, this book is for you.

Available on Amazon.

Homeschooling Hope

Homeschooling Hope by Elizabeth Bauman, illustrated by Katherine Bauman

Friends heard that Hope was homeschooled. They wondered what she’d do. They thought she’d stay at home all day, but that was far from true. Hop on board and you will see how exciting school can be! A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Autism Speaks. Available on Amazon.


Hope's Colors

Hope’s Colors by Elizabeth Bauman and Katherine Bauman, illustrated by Katherine Bauman

The teacher wants Hope to color like everyone else, but Hope sees the world differently. Art is Hope’s doorway into an enchanted land where everything is anything but ordinary. Hope has a vision and she wants to soar! Available on Amazon.



What reviewers are saying about Hope’s Colors:

“This picture book joyfully expresses diversity in thinking and unique to but not limited to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.” ~Jorja Davis

“This beautiful children’s book will appeal to all parents looking for an encouraging story and supportive art work that shows it’s okay to be different. The book has a great message both to help people accept their own differences as a positive feature, and to also accept differences in others as something to appreciate. As a former preschool teacher, I find this to be a timely message to share with young students.” ~Janice Garey

“This book will lift the imagination of children that read it or have it read to them. The book explains that Hope likes to be different as she creates. In the end, she has success from being her true self.” ~Jennifer Henn